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Interior designers reveal the latest trend that’s falling out of style

May 21, 2024
1 min read


  • Combining several styles in your home is now in trend instead of following one direction.
  • Wallpaper on walls, bulky furniture, heavy curtains, and a large amount of textiles are out of fashion.

Key Elements of the Article:

Trends in interior design change quickly, making it essential to stay updated. Currently, combining multiple styles in your home is more fashionable than following one strict theme. Wallpaper on walls, bulky furniture, heavy curtains, and excessive textiles are considered outdated in the design world. Instead, simple and practical items are gaining popularity, while glossy surfaces, plasterboard products, and bright linoleum are being phased out.

White living rooms, known for their minimalist look, may now feel too sterile. Designers are recommending warmer shades like pink, orange, yellow, light green, and brown to replace neutral and cold colors. The milk-chocolate palette is particularly trendy this year, offering a cozy alternative to stark white and gray tones. These warm shades can be incorporated through paintings, accessories like candles and pillows, and furniture like armchairs.