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Get the modern look: Tips for mixing patterns in decor

May 21, 2024
1 min read


  • Mixing patterns in interior decor creates a harmonious balance
  • Experts provide tips on how to master the art of mixing patterns in modern homes

Modern homeowners are focused on mastering the art of mixing patterns in interior decor to create elegant and contemporary spaces. Home design experts emphasize the importance of incorporating patterns in throws, glass vases, and decor items to add texture, warmth, and visual interest to living spaces. They also suggest starting with a neutral base and gradually introducing patterns, considering scale, balance, texture, and contrast.

Expert advice includes using glass vases and throws to add opulence and charm, incorporating statement decor pieces strategically among patterns, experimenting with combining bold and understated patterns, and embracing creativity in mixing patterns. Stone panel carvings, marble decor pieces, and concrete planters are also highlighted as elements that contribute to textural mixing.

Experts also emphasize the use of large patterns as focal points balanced by neutral walls, integrating various styles within one area to create a dynamic ambience, and fostering a contrast between abstract and minimalistic rugs with quirky wall art. The careful integration of different patterns and styles leads to a cohesive yet eclectic whole in modern home decor.